Mar 29, 2025  
2024-2025 General Catalog 
2024-2025 General Catalog

Financial Aid and Scholarships

Southeastern awards scholarships in the form of cash awards, tuition, and nonresident fee exemptions, room and board, and employment opportunities to students who meet qualifications.

In addition to the scholarship programs, the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships administers a number of federal and state funded financial aid programs. The total amount of funding disbursed annually through these programs is approximately $200 million. 

Federal Financial Aid Programs

Southeastern administers all Title IV federal programs which are based on a student’s demonstrated financial need. Funds received from the federal programs help students to cover school expenses, including tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and transportation. All such programs are subject to regulations authorized by the United States Department of Education, as well as university policies consistent with these federal regulations and are subject to change.

Detailed information on these programs can be found at Office of Financial Aid

Eligibility for Financial Aid

All students must meet the following basic eligibility criteria to apply for and receive Title IV federal aid which includes grants, work study, and loans:

  • Be enrolled as a regular student in a degree-granting or certificate program.
  • Be a U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen (permanent resident).
  • Be enrolled at least half-time (most programs - regular semesters: undergraduate, six hours; graduate, five hours).
  • Not be in default on prior student loans or owe a refund on a federal grant.
  • Make satisfactory academic progress as described in the section. 

Application for Federal Financial Aid

Students who wish to apply for the programs described in this section should file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA is available online at Students should complete the FAFSA as soon as possible on or after October 1 to apply for federal financial aid. These applications cover aid awarded for the upcoming academic year (beginning with the fall term) and application must be made each year. It is recommended that the application be filed no later than March 1 for summer or fall enrollment or October 1 for spring enrollment.

Once the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships receives your FAFSA, additional documentation may be requested through your Workday account. To receive a loan for the academic year, the deadline to return all required documents is the first business day of May.

Once all documents are processed, an award notification will be sent via the student’s Workday account with details on how to accept or decline their aid.

Please note that students will not receive an award notice until all verification documents have been properly submitted and processed.

For additional information on these programs, along with details regarding how financial need is determined and a Southeastern student’s cost of attendance, visit Office of Financial Aid or Consumer Information.


  • Federal Pell Grants - Undergraduate students working toward their first degree are eligible for consideration. Eligibility is determined by a federal need analysis formula. 
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants - Undergraduate students working toward their first degree, who show exceptional financial need may qualify. Funds are limited. 
  • Louisiana Go Grants - Undergraduate students working toward their first degree, who have remaining financial need after deducting Student Aid Index (SAI) and all federal /state/institutional grant or scholarship aid (“gift aid”) from student’s Cost of Attendance (COA). Funds are limited. 
  • Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grant - Undergraduate and Graduate students enrolled in an eligible program, maintain a 3.25 GPA, and commit to teach in a high-need field, at a low-income school, for at least four years within eight years of completing the program for which the grant was awarded.

Campus-Based Programs

  • Federal Work-Study Program - Campus jobs provided to half-time students, not on academic probation, who show financial need. Students earn an hourly wage and are paid every two weeks. Students who are awarded Federal Work-Study employment have the option of choosing job sites designated as community service agencies. Funds are limited.

William D. Ford Federal Direct Loans

Southeastern participates in the following Federal Loan Programs:

  • Direct Subsidized Stafford Loan - Based on financial need, the interest on this loan does not accrue while the student is in school. Payments are deferred until six months after the student ceases being enrolled on at least a half-time basis.
  • Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan - This program enables students to borrow, regardless of need. Interest will accrue on this loan while the student is enrolled, and may be paid or capitalized as agreed by the borrower and the lender.
  • Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) - This program allows parents of dependent students to borrow per year up to the cost of education, less any other aid. The repayment period begins on the day the load is disbursed, and the first installment to the DOE is due within 60 days of that date. This loan is not based on need.
  • Direct Graduate PLUS Loan (GRAD PLUS) - This program is a loan for graduate and professional students that are taken in their own name. This loan will give these students a valuable federal loan alternative to private loans. Just like parent borrowers, these students will be able to borrow under the PLUS program up to the cost of education less other aid received. In addition, these borrowers will have to meet the same credit eligibility requirements that apply to parent borrowers.

Loan disbursements normally occur the week after the start of classes. Depending on the award package, loans will be disbursed accordingly: (1) fall and spring loans will occur in two equal disbursements; and (2) summer and semester-only loans will disburse in one disbursement at the start of the semester. All federal aid funds are applied directly to the student account in the Controller’s Office. If the amount credited to the account is greater than the amount owed to the University, students will be issued a refund for the credit balance. Allow up to three to five business days for the Controller’s Office to process a direct deposit or refund check.

Disbursement of federal loans requires completion of a valid Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Entrance Counseling. When a student borrower graduates, resigns, or otherwise ceases to be enrolled on at least a half-time basis at Southeastern, the student is required to complete an exit counseling session. The online session explains what the borrower should expect upon entering loan repayment. Completion of an MPN, and Entrance and Exit Counseling can be accomplished at

Loan Cancellation

A student (or a parent in the case of a PLUS loan) may cancel one or more of their loan(s) or disbursements of their loan(s) within 14 days from the disbursement day.

Contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships for information on how to complete this process. Exceptions to the time frame above may be made on a case-by-case basis.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy

Undergraduate Students

In order to be receive federal financial aid, a student must be making satisfactory academic progress standards (SAP). For the purpose of participating in any of the federal student aid programs, the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships has established the following policy for determining satisfactory academic progress for undergraduate students: 

  • Students must have a 2.0 cumulative GPA at the end of each fall, spring, and summer semester. 
  • Students must earn at least 67% of all hour attempted.
  • Students pursuing an associate’s degree may only receive financial aid for a maximum of 90 attempted credit hours.
  • Students pursuing a bachelor’s degree may only receive financial aid for a maximum of 180 attempted credit hours.
  • Students pursuing multiple bachelor’s degrees may only receive financial aid for a maximum time frame of 150 % of the minimum hours to complete the degree minus the hours completed as general education courses.
  • Students on academic suspension are not eligible to receive federal financial aid. 

First-time freshmen who fail to meet SAP at the end of their first semester of enrollment will be placed on SAP Warning. Students will be required to meet SAP at the end of the second semester of enrollment.

If these established criteria are not met at the end of the fall, spring, or summer semesters, students may seek to appeal if mitigating circumstances affected their academic performance. For a student to re-establish eligibility they must either (1) receive an approved appeal or (2) meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements at the end of the next semester in which they enroll. The complete Satisfactory Academic Progress policy may be viewed at SAP

Graduate Students

For the purpose of participating in any of the federal student programs, the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships has established the following policy for determining satisfactory progress for graduate students:

  • Students must earn a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.
  • Students must earn at least 67% of all credit hours attempted.
  • Students may only receive financial aid for a maximum of 54 attempted credit hours.
  • Doctorate students may receive financial aid for a maximum of seven years from the first semester of their program.

If these established criteria are not met at the end of the fall, spring, or summer semesters, students may seek to appeal if mitigating circumstances affected their academic performance. For a student to re-establish eligibility they must either (1) receive an approved appeal or (2) meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements at the end of the next semester in which they enroll. The complete Satisfactory Academic Progress policy may be viewed at SAP

Resignations/Unofficial Withdrawals

Students who receive financial aid funds and then resign or unofficially withdraw (cease attendance) during the first 60 percent of the enrollment period will be required to repay all or part of the aid they received. The amount of aid that must be returned is based on the period of time the student remained enrolled. Detailed information regarding the return of funds and post-withdrawal disbursements, if applicable, is located at Office of Financial Aid

Federal aid must be returned within 45 days to the appropriate programs in the following order: Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans, Subsidized Federal Stafford Loans, PLUS (Parent) Loans, Graduate PLUS Loan, Pell Grants, and SEOG. The amount of aid to be returned will be calculated at the time of resignation. For unofficial withdrawals, the amount will be calculated at the end of the enrollment period. Until this obligation is settled, registration for future semesters and any further financial aid may be in jeopardy.

Repeated Coursework Policy for Financial Aid

Effective July 1, 2011, Federal Regulations specify that students may receive federal financial aid funding for one repetition of a previously passed course. A passed course is defined as one in which a grade of A, B, C, D, P, or S is received.

  • Examples of repeated coursework that MAY count towards a student’s enrollment status for the purposes of determining financial aid eligibility are listed below:
  • Repeated coursework may be included if the student received an unsatisfactory or failing grade. Students may repeat a failed course until it is passed.
  • Repeated coursework may be included when determining enrollment if a student needs to meet an academic standard for a particular previously passed course, such as a minimum grade.  Example:  Student received a ‘D’ in a course which requires a minimum grade of ‘C’ for his/her major.  Please note that this is limited to one repetition of a passed course.
  • Examples of repeated coursework that may NOT count towards a student’s enrollment status for the purpose of determining financial aid eligibility is listed below:
  • Retaking a passed course more than once.  If a student receives a ‘D’ in a course and decides to repeat the course to improve his/her GPA, he/she may repeat this passed course ONE time.  However, if the student wants to repeat it a second time, the course would not count towards the student’s enrollment status.


  • All repeated courses affect financial aid satisfactory academic progress calculations. Regardless of whether the student received financial aid or not, all repeated coursework must be counted as attempted credits.
  • Students will be allowed to receive aid for multiple courses labeled as ‘Special Topics’ as long as the course content differs.  Course content will be verified with the Academic College.
  • The repeated coursework policy for financial aid is separate from the institutional academic repeated course policy. 

Emergency Loan

Luther L. Ricks Memorial Loans and Tinsley Memorial Loans 

Full-time students who have completed registration, and have not received a credit balance refund may apply for a short-term Emergency Loan. Students must not be on academic probation, and have at least a “C” average to be eligible for an Emergency Loan. 

No loan will exceed the amount of full-time tuition, textbook rental, I.D., and motor vehicle fee. This loan becomes due and payable 60 days from the start date of the semester. The interest rate on the unpaid balance of this loan will be calculated at eight percent per annum from the due date until paid in full. In addition, a late fee of $10.00 will be charged if payment is not made when due. A $15.00 non-refundable processing fee will be charged at the time the loan application is filed. 

Contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships for application and eligibility details at


Southeastern awards scholarships to students of high scholastic and creative achievement, and athletic ability. Scholarships are administered in the form of cash awards, tuition and nonresident fee waivers, room and board, and employment opportunities to qualified students.

Mailing Address:

Southeastern Louisiana University

Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships

SLU 10768

Hammond, Louisiana 70402

Phone: 1-800-222-SELU (7358) or 985-549-2244  


Southeastern scholarship recipients who are considering dropping below full-time status should contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships to determine effects on scholarship retention. Recipients may have the option to place their scholarship on hold.

Southeastern scholarship recipients who feel that extenuating circumstances have prevented them from meeting the retention requirements for a scholarship may be eligible for a scholarship appeal. The appeal must be submitted with accompanying documentation by the deadline date given. All supporting documents will be retained in the student’s file. Appeals can be accessed in the student’s Workday account. 

Academic Scholarships for Full-Time Students

Academic scholarships are administered by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. The office coordinates the application, selection, and disbursement processes for academic scholarships and provides assistance to prospective and current students on scholarship availability. Additional information may be obtained by visiting

For new freshmen, the online Application for Admission to Southeastern also serves as the application for new student academic scholarships. This application should be completed during the fall of an applicant’s senior year of high school. For priority scholarship consideration, the online Application for Admission must be submitted on or before January 15 of the student’s senior year. Applications received after January 15 will be considered for scholarships at a reduced amount. Consideration is based on evaluation of ACT/SAT scores and high school cumulative GPA. The online application is available by clicking “Apply” at

Notes on ACT/SAT scores:

  • ACT/SAT scores earned after July 30 will not be considered for scholarship eligibility. 
  • Students must submit all ACT/SAT scores for scholarship eligibility consideration before the first day of class of the fall semester immediately following their senior year.  

Beginning freshmen who apply after the January 15 deadline will be eligible for the Honors Scholarship. The eligibility criteria are the same as the Priority Scholarship, so students are encouraged to apply before the priority deadline of January 15 for summer/fall or by September 15 for spring semester to maximize their awards.

To retain the Priority Scholarship or the Honors Scholarship a student must be enrolled as a full-time student each semester/term, earn 30 credit hours in an academic year, and maintain a cumulative 3.0 grade point average. For more information on retention requirements and for additional scholarship information, visit, or contact the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships.

Beginning Freshmen

The Southeastern Honors Scholarship is awarded to qualifying beginning freshmen. Scholarship recipients are notified beginning in October. Beginning freshman scholarships are applicable beginning with the fall semester of the freshman year and are renewable provided the student meets certain established criteria. Additional information, including retention requirements is available at

Transfer Students

Students transferring from another institution to Southeastern who have not earned a previous bachelor’s degree are considered for either the Southeastern Transfer Honors Scholarship or the Ben Nevers Transfer Scholarship. The online Application for Admission serves as the application for transfer student scholarships. Duration and amount of each scholarship is contingent upon transfer GPA and earned hours. Additional information and retention criteria is available at

In addition to the Senator Ben Nevers Transfer Scholarship, students who are Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society graduates can also receive a supplementary two-year scholarship to Southeastern, contingent on the availability of funds. Additional details on the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Golden Opportunity Scholarship is available at

Continuing Students

Southeastern Scholarships are awarded to current students on a limited basis. For more information, including application processes, visit

The Southeastern Promise

The Southeastern Promise Scholarship represents a new level of commitment to our students. Under the Southeastern Promise, students can graduate in four years at the same tuition rate. Students must be admitted as a full-time freshman in the fall semester of their first year, having already completed all developmental coursework, to apply for the Southeastern Promise. To maintain eligibility, students must meet the conditions as outlined on the Promise website including: 

  1. Require no developmental course or complete requirements prior to their first fall semester.
  2. Enroll full time in the fall semester 
  3. Be admitted to a major or as an undeclared major student at the time of enrollment for the fall semester
  4. Make progress of 30 hours (25%) per year requirement
  5. Maintain good academic standing and a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average.

To students who choose to enroll in the Promise, Southeastern guarantees a fixed net tuition rate and a four year to degree commitment. For more information visit

Southeastern Foundation Scholarships

A number of private donor awards, sponsored by private organizations, industry, the Southeastern Alumni Association, and the Southeastern Foundation, are available. Eligibility criteria and award amounts vary.  

Southeastern launched a new online scholarship management system called the Southeastern Online Scholarship System. This system will enable students to search for and apply to various opportunities funded through the generosity of private donors to Southeastern. The Southeastern Online Scholarship System has revolutionized the way students apply to privately funded scholarships on the Southeastern campus.

To access these opportunities, students will log in to this one-stop-shop by using their Southeastern email and password. We invite students to apply for scholarships that may be available to them and specifically match their unique profile. 

All privately funded scholarships will be administered within the new system. 

For additional details and information contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships at

Performance Scholarships

Students may be awarded scholarships for participation in athletics, band, music, cheerleading, and Lionettes. These scholarships are administered by the department, administrator, or coach of the program, who can provide additional information. 

State Supported Scholarships 


The Taylor Opportunity Program for Students (TOPS) is available to eligible Louisiana high school graduates. The value of TOPS is determined by annual legislative appropriation. Information may be obtained from the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance at or (800) 259-5626.

Louisiana Geaux Teach Program

The Geaux Teach scholarship program was established to provide scholarships to students who are enrolled in teacher preparation programs or alternate certification programs approved by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) at postsecondary education institutions within the state.

The maximum annual award is $5,000. Scholarship awards shall be applicable only to the cost of tuition, required fees, and textbooks and instructional materials required for the course of study. The award shall be used only after all other state or institutional financial aid and awards are applied and only for any remaining balance due for tuition, required fees, and textbooks and instructional materials required for the course of study.

Louisiana National Guard Patriot Scholarship

The Louisiana National Guard Patriot Scholarship provides scholarships to Louisiana National Guard members who are enrolled in a Louisiana public postsecondary institution and who are eligible for the Louisiana National Guard tuition waiver. This program provides for the payment of mandatory fees charged to the student by the institution as funds are appropriated.

  • Equal to mandatory fees charged as evidenced on fee bill
  • Postsecondary institution shall determine award amount for eligible students
  • 12 semesters or 16 quarters. Part-time enrollment in summer sessions or intercessions count towards the maximum number of semesters or quarters.

For additional information contact the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance at or (800) 259-5626.

Louisiana Vocational Rehabilitation

Vocational rehabilitation is a public service program for persons who qualify for vocational rehabilitation services. Students should check with their high school counselor or contact the Louisiana Rehabilitation Services Office at 800-520-0588.

Fee Waiver Scholarships

Summer Start

Students who recently graduated from high school students with an ACT composite score of 24 or higher, and a high school cumulative GPA of a 3.0 or higher are eligible to take advantage of attending the summer semester immediately following their senior year for between $100 and $300 per class (depending on the classes taken).

Non-Resident Fee Waiver Scholarship

The UL Board of Supervisors has authorized each college and university to identify and award non-resident fee waiver scholarships to academically talented students among out-of-state applicants to the university. The fee waiver is a privilege that is not necessarily awarded to every qualified student. To qualify, the student must meet standards listed under the “Waiver of Non-Resident Fees.”

Dependent Fee Waiver

Spouses and children of Faculty and Staff members who are employed full-time as of the last day of registration for the semester of enrollment may attend Southeastern Louisiana University. Waiver amounts are awarded to undergraduate students only with respect to hours registered. Generally, children who qualify will be limited to those who are eligible dependents for tax purposes during the calendar year in which the fee exemption is issued.

Faculty/Staff Fee Waiver

Faculty and Staff members who are employed full-time by the last day of registration for the semester in which enrollment is requested are eligible for a fee waiver. Waiver amounts are awarded with respect to hours registered.

Graduate Assistantships

Tuition and fee waivers are provided to graduate students who hold assistantships. A limited number of Graduate Assistantships are available to qualified graduate students. Assistantships are awarded at the discretion of the individual department heads, and assignments are made according to the needs of the university. Qualified graduate students may also be eligible for a limited number of graduate teaching fellowships. Graduate Assistants are appointed in accordance with the University of Louisiana System, Department of Civil Service and Southeastern policies.

National Guard Exemption

Award amount covers base tuition for a full-time student in fall and spring semesters, and the base tuition amount for the summer session. When a student becomes a member of the Louisiana Army or Air National Guard, the guard member completes a Unit STEP Request at their unit prior to the application deadline. For more information, contact your unit.

Senior Citizen Fee Waiver

Students who are 60 years of age or older (proof of date of birth is required) and are a resident of Louisiana are not charged general fees for three credit hours nor an ID fee. Other registration fees and special fees will not be waived under this policy, nor will individuals enrolled under this waiver be granted reductions in cost for materials and supplies required at the University Bookstore. This fee waiver will be limited to three credit hours only. In order to receive this waiver, first-time students must apply in the Controller’s Office.

Southeastern Scholars Program

High school students with an ACT composite score of 24 or higher, high school cumulative GPA of a 3.0 or higher, and permission of their principal are eligible to receive a scholarship to assist with the tuition for up to six hours of enrollment per semester.

Office of Military and Veteran Success

Students seeking or receiving education benefits through the Veteran Administration should contact the Office of Military and Veteran Success (OMVS) and submit a request for benefit review through their Workday account.


Southeastern Louisiana University
Office of the Military & Veteran Success
SLU 10870
Hammond, LA 70402

Phone: 1-800-222-SELU (7358) or 985-549-5041


The following guidelines are set up so the veteran or eligible person will be in compliance with Veteran Administration regulations.

  1. Make satisfactory progress toward a degree or certificate.
  2. Comply with and meet all standards set forth within the University catalog.

The Veterans Administration Office will not pay for the following:

  1. Audited Courses - Courses that are attended but not taken for a grade.
  2. Repeated Courses - Courses that are taken by the student, but are not required to be retaken by their degree program.
  3. Non-Major Courses - Courses that are not required in your major.

Each veteran and eligible person has the following responsibilities:

  1. Read and understand the standards relating to achievement, progress, and conduct published by Southeastern Louisiana University that must be met and maintained in order to continue to receive V.A. benefits.
  2. Submit class schedule to OMVS prior to each semester.
  3. Notify University officials and Veteran Services immediately when he/she ceases to attend a class or if any other schedule adjustments are made.
  4. Enroll in additional courses to ensure full-time status as a graduating student, allowed only in their final semester before graduation. (Does not apply to those using Chapter 31 benefits.)

Veteran/Service member students, their dependents and their spouse have the same priority class scheduling as athletes, honor students and students with accommodations.