Feb 15, 2025  
2024-2025 General Catalog 
2024-2025 General Catalog

Course Descriptions

Listed below are the courses offered by departments of the University.

Courses numbered 1000 to 1990 are primarily for freshmen, 2000 to 2990 are primarily for sophomores, and 3000 to 4990 are primarily for juniors and seniors. Graduate credit is awarded for courses numbered 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, and 9000. Listing a 3000 or 4000-level course along with a companion 5000 number indicates that undergraduate students register for the lower number and graduate students register for the upper number. Courses numbered 6000, 7000, 8000, and 9000 are open to graduate students only. Bracketed [ ] numbers indicate a previous identification of a course. Curricula are arranged so that students are to register for appropriate level courses each year. A course number ending in “7” in this Catalog (e.g., ENGL 1017 , HIST 1027 ) designates an Honors course.

Common Course Numbering. Courses that are part of the Louisiana Statewide Common Course Catalog have a Louisiana Common Course Number, LCCN, bracketed [ ] with a Common Statewide descriptor, number, and course title. For example, [LCCN: CMAT 1213, College Algebra] is the cross-listing for Southeastern’s college Algebra course. Additional information about Louisiana’s Statewide Common Course Catalog can be found on the Board of Regent’s website.

Credit Toward the Degree. Some courses are very similar in content to other courses. When a student takes two or more courses that have similar content, only one of the courses can be used toward the degree. Although the other course(s) cannot be used to satisfy a specific course requirement in the degree, all courses and grades will appear on the transcript and will be used in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average. In the calculation of the degree grade point average, however, since only the courses applicable to the student’s curriculum are used, the other course(s) will not be included in the degree grade point average.

Descriptions of affected courses contain a phrase such as, “Credit toward the degree will not be granted for …”. Students should read the course descriptions in this section of the catalog, or consult with their academic department, if there are questions about whether or not credit for a course will be applicable toward the degree.

Minimum Length for Academic Courses. For one semester hour of credit, a class should meet approximately 750 minutes in no less than five days. For two semester hours of credit, a class should meet approximately 1,500 minutes in no less than ten days. A three-semester hour course should meet approximately 2,250 minutes in no less than 15 days. Final exam periods may be counted as class time when computing required minutes and required days.




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