Feb 15, 2025  
2024-2025 General Catalog 
2024-2025 General Catalog

Graduate Studies

John Boulahanis, Director of Graduate Studies

Initial Statement of Purpose

Graduate Studies promotes the professional competency of persons in schools, industry, and business, and prepares individuals to pursue further graduate education. Graduate degree programs are offered in the Colleges of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Business, Education, Nursing and Health Sciences, and Science and Technology. Graduate Studies provides opportunities for students to:

  1. Develop methods of scholarly research.
  2. Improve competency in certain areas of specialization.
  3. Develop a broader understanding of human knowledge.
  4. Provide professional services and leadership for communities, school systems, and other organizations.
  5. Prepare for advanced graduate studies.


  • The Master of Arts is granted in English, History, Psychology, and Strategic Communication
  • The Master of Arts in Teaching is granted in multiple concentrations that lead to different certifications
  • The Master of Business Administration in Business Administration
  • The Master of Education is granted in Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Leadership, and Special Education
  • The Master of Music
  • The Master of Science is granted in Athletic Training, Biology, Child Life, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Computer Networking and Administration, Counseling, Health and Kinesiology, Integrated Science and Technology, Population Health Management, and Applied Sociology
  • The Master of Science in Nursing
  • The Doctor of Education is granted in Educational Leadership
  • The Doctor of Nursing Practice is granted by the School of Nursing

Admission to Graduate Studies

The University Admissions Office receives and processes all applications for Graduate Studies. The following points apply to all applicants regarding admission to a graduate degree program.

  • Admission decisions are based on a variety of factors such as past academic performance and standardized test scores. In some cases, degree programs may have additional requirements such as a statement of purpose by the applicant or a restriction on the number of students that can be admitted based on accrediting agency requirements.
  • Meeting the requirements for admission does not guarantee admission, only eligibility.
  • An applicant is admitted to Graduate Studies upon acceptance and admission into a specific graduate degree program.
  • Only those applicants who demonstrate the potential to successfully complete a degree program are admitted.
  • The graduate coordinator of each program is authorized to determine if admission to the graduate program will be recommended.
  • Only a written notice of admission is valid proof of admission.
  • Admission is valid for the semester for which it is awarded. Deferment to the next semester requires written approval from the program graduate coordinator.
  • A non-refundable application fee is required of all applicants.

Admission to Southeastern Louisiana University for graduate study is open to qualified students regardless of race, creed, color, natural origin, handicap, sex, or veteran status. To be considered for admission, all supporting materials should be in the Office of Admissions based on the schedule provided in the Application Procedures section of this publication.

Admission Procedure

An applicant for admission to Graduate Studies must submit a completed application, completed immunization form, non-refundable fee, official copies of all transcripts, official copies of the required standardized test scores, and all other required paperwork, to the Admissions Office prior to the established deadlines.

Individual departments may have their own deadline dates and standards for admission. These standards incorporate both qualitative and quantitative criteria more specific than those established by the University. Only individual program graduate coordinators/directors or graduate faculty advisors may recommend the admission of applicants into specific graduate degree programs. To be admitted to Graduate Studies, an applicant must meet the general University requirements and specific program/departmental requirements for which the applicant is applying. Admission to Graduate Studies is granted upon admission to a specific degree program or other graduate non-degree classification.

The categories of admission to Graduate Studies are Degree Status (Regular, Contingent, or Provisional) and Non-Degree Status (Classified or Unclassified). Individuals seeking admission to a degree program or non-degree status must have a bachelor’s degree from an institution of higher education recognized by a regional accrediting agency.

Students seeking the Doctor of Education degree must comply with all admissions criteria listed under that degree in the catalog and on the website of the department of Educational Leadership and Foundations and in the “Doctoral Candidate Handbook” for the Consortium.

Admission Classifications

Degree Status
Degree Status includes all graduate students intending to pursue a graduate degree. The listing of regular, provisional, and contingent admission status does not mean that all programs admit students in each of the classifications.

A bachelor’s degree is required of any individual admitted for graduate study.

Regular Admission
Graduate programs may prescribe requirements for regular admission in addition to those described below. In addition to holding an undergraduate degree, an applicant who receives regular admission status must satisfy one of the following minimum graduate admissions requirements based on the level of work completed at the time of the application and program/degree specific admission requirements.

  1. 2.5 GPA on the undergraduate degree, or
  2. 2.75 GPA on approximately 60-70 semester hours or 90-100 quarter hours of upper-level undergraduate academic course work earned during the last half of the degree, or
  3. 2.75 GPA on 30 or more semester hours undergraduate credit after earning the first bachelor’s degree, or
  4. 2.75 GPA on approximately 60-70 semester hours or 90-100 quarter hours of undergraduate academic course work earned during the last half of the degree and a 3.0 GPA on fewer than 24 hours graduate course work, or
  5. 3.0 GPA on 24 or more graduate hours, or
  6. An earned master’s degree or higher-level degree, and
  7. Earned satisfactory scores on the standardized tests required by the individual degree program, and
  8. Be in satisfactory academic standing at the last institution attended.

An applicant not satisfying the academic standards by not having the minimum GPA noted above may be admitted to a degree program as a provisional student if recommended by the graduate coordinator of the academic unit offering the degree program.

A student in a Regular admission status is eligible for a graduate assistantship.

Provisional Admission
The University offers provisional admission status to students who do not meet the one of the academic standards noted under regular admission. Some graduate degree programs do not admit students with provisional status; therefore, a student must check the specific program requirements. A student admitted in provision status must advance to regular status as prescribed below.

A student admitted to provisional status is eligible (not guaranteed) for advancement to regular status after receiving a 3.0 GPA on the first nine hours of regular graduate-level courses taken during the first semester at Southeastern Louisiana University. Part-time students will be allowed a maximum of 12 consecutive months in provisional status in order to complete the required nine hours with a 3.0 GPA in all courses taken while in provisional status. A student must be continuously enrolled to achieve the nine-hour requirement. Graduate programs will specify for each student admitted in provisional status the academic requirements that must be met to advance to regular status. Once the required nine hours is met an admission decision will be made. Neither transfer credits nor credits earned while in Unclassified status can be used to satisfy this nine-hour requirement. A student in provisional status may be dismissed from the graduate program if the student does not complete the required 9 hours within 12 consecutive months, or if the required 3.00 GPA on all courses taken while in provisional status is not attained. Otherwise, the student’s status will be changed to Regular or Unclassified as appropriate. Academic departments may set higher standards for students admitted provisionally into their programs. While in the provisional status, a student is not eligible to hold a graduate assistantship; however, an exception may be granted by the Director of Graduate Studies in well-justified cases if approved by the academic department head and/or graduate coordinator.

Contingent Admission
A student needing the final transcript recording the bachelor’s degree or to provide particular scores, e.g., GRE, GMAT or Praxis scores, may be admitted in contingent status. The final transcript or satisfactory standardized test must be provided by the end of the initial semester of enrollment or the student will be dismissed. For example, if the applicant has met all admission requirements but is in the final semester of a bachelor’s degree, the applicant will be admitted in contingent status until the official verification documents that the degree has been awarded, at that time the applicant will advance to regular admission status. A contingent admission can also be changed to regular when the University receives GRE/GMAT or other required test scores.

An applicant may also be admitted with one or more departmental contingencies, requirements the department expects the student to fulfill by a certain deadline. Departmental contingencies are monitored by the department and usually are prerequisite courses, standardized tests, or another similar requirement.

A student in the contingent status is eligible for a graduate assistantship. Continued eligibility for a graduate assistantship beyond the initial semester would require that any such graduate assistants advance to regular status by the completion of the initial semester. Students may not be moved from contingent status to provisional status. Failure to qualify for regular admission status will prevent the student from registering for the next semester.

Non-Degree Classified Admission
An applicant not wishing to pursue a graduate degree but wishing to achieve a special certification or Master’s plus 30 credit hours for teaching purposes (applicant must have a Master’s degree), would apply for admission to the University Studies for Non-degree-classified admissions. A student enrolled at least half-time in this status is eligible for specific types of financial aid. Individuals should contact the Student Financial Aid Office for additional information. Students seeking admission as non-degree classified must meet or exceed the university minimum requirements for admission (see minimum requirements stated under Regular admissions).

Non-Degree Unclassified Admission
A student wishing to pursue graduate-level study for purposes other than advanced degree, certificate program, or master plus 30 credit hours for teachers may be admitted in unclassified status. Upon completion of one semester in unclassified status a student wishing to be considered for admission to a degree is eligible to apply. No more than nine (9) graduate hours of work received as an unclassified student may be counted toward credit for a degree program. For courses taken in the unclassified status that are to be counted for credit toward a graduate degree the student must have earned a grade of “B” or “A” and the courses must be approved by the department graduate coordinator and department head. In cases where a student has a graduate advisory committee, approval of courses to count toward the graduate degree must be approved by the student’s graduate committee and the departmental graduate coordinator. Hours completed in this status may not be used to satisfy provisional admission requirements. Financial aid may be limited for students in unclassified status. Contact the Student Financial Aid Office for additional information. Students seeking admission as unclassified must meet or exceed the university minimum requirements for admission (see minimum requirements stated under Regular admissions).

No more than 9 hours earned by a student in Provisional, Contingent, Non-Degree, or Unclassified Status may be counted towards a graduate degree, provided the credit is recommended by the appropriate graduate coordinator/director or graduate faculty advisor.

Change of Status

Changes in status from Provisional or Contingent status will occur automatically as a student completes course work or provides necessary documents. A change in status from Non-Degree Classified or Non-Degree Unclassified status to Degree status must be initiated by the student. This is accomplished by completing an application for admission to a degree program.

Application Procedures

*Individual departments or programs may have earlier deadline dates for consideration of applications. It is the applicant’s responsibility to be aware of specific deadline dates.

The completed application form, payment of required fees, official transcripts, and official results of standardized tests should be submitted to the Admissions Office on or before the date noted* for the specific semester the student wishes to enroll. Applications must be accompanied by the payment of the non-refundable application fee.

*Applications received after this date may delay consideration until the following semester. No applications for graduate studies will be accepted after the regular University application deadlines published in the Admission Criteria and Academic Regulations  section of this catalog.

Students previously registered at Southeastern who wish to resume their graduate studies after an absence of more than 12 months must submit an application for readmission together with official transcripts of all graduate work taken at other institutions to the Admissions Office. A student who does not attend Southeastern Louisiana University for one calendar year or longer must meet the requirements of the catalog in effect at the time of reentry.

International Students
Admission of international students is considered on an individual basis by the International Admissions Office and by the appropriate graduate coordinator/director or graduate faculty advisor. International students must meet all University and departmental requirements for Degree Status. In addition, international students must submit to the International Admissions Office the following documents:

  1. An application and payment of the application fee.
  2. Official, certified transcripts, certificates of degrees, etc., depicting all undergraduate and graduate courses taken and all grades received. A certified translation must accompany these documents if the language used is other than English.
  3. A score of at least 550 on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), or a score of at least 79 internet based TOEFL, or 6.5 overall band on the IELTS, or a score of at least 100 on the Duolingo test for applicants whose native language is other than English. Some departments may have more stringent criteria.
  4. Certification of the availability of funds to meet all the costs while the student is enrolled at Southeastern, according to INS regulations.
  5. Official scores on all standardized tests as required by the individual departments.

Southeastern Louisiana University reserves the exclusive right to determine whether the documentation meets the minimum criteria necessary for the admission of international students to Graduate Studies.

International students are responsible for complying with all regulations of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). Failure to do so will jeopardize their status as students.

General Regulations

Graduate students are responsible for being fully acquainted and complying with all requirements for Graduate Studies and for the respective degree programs. When a particular situation is not covered in this Graduate Studies section of the catalog, graduate students should refer to the General University Regulations.

Students seeking the Doctorate of Education degree (consortium arrangement) must comply with the following regulations unless otherwise specified under the Ed.D. section of the catalog, on the website of the department of Educational Leadership and Foundations and in the “Doctoral Candidate Handbook.” The formatting of the dissertation must follow Southeastern’s Theses and Dissertations Standards.

Grade Point Average

All references to grade point averages (GPA) regarding admission to graduate credit in degree programs refer to the cumulative grade point average as defined by the student’s degree program and computed on all hours attempted.

Graduate Credit

A student may receive graduate credit only for work taken while enrolled as a graduate student or as a qualified senior undergraduate.

Graduate Credit for Southeastern Seniors

A Southeastern senior may register for graduate credit if he/she has at least a 3.2 cumulative GPA on previous undergraduate work attempted and lacks no more than 21 hours to complete the baccalaureate degree requirements, unless the department of the graduate program stipulates that the student must be closer than 21 hours from the baccalaureate degree. The student may earn no more than 12 graduate credit hours while completing baccalaureate degree requirements. Courses taken for graduate credit cannot be used to satisfy undergraduate requirements. The student retains undergraduate status until awarded the baccalaureate degree. The student shall maintain a minimum cumulative graduate GPA of 3.0 while in the concurrent program. In a regular semester, the student may register for no more than 15 hours, six of which may be at graduate-level. In a summer session, the student may register for no more than 10 hours, four of which may be at graduate-level.

Transfer Credit

After earning a minimum of twelve (12) hours of graduate credit at Southeastern, a student may appeal to the graduate coordinator/director or graduate faculty advisor for approval to apply for transfer credit from another university. That university must be an accredited institution that regularly grants the master’s degree or an equivalent foreign institution. The student must be eligible for readmission to the institution from which credits are to be transferred and must have earned a minimum grade of “B” in each course to be transferred. No transfer credits may be used to remove a student from probation. No more than one-third of the hours required for graduation may be transferred. The graduate coordinator/director or the graduate faculty advisor will recommend to the student’s academic dean the courses to be transferred, and the academic dean will make the final determination as to whether any or all of the recommended courses will be accepted for transfer credit.

Off-Campus Credit

There is no limit to the number of graduate hours a student may earn in off-campus courses. The graduate coordinator/director or graduate faculty advisor will recommend to the student’s academic dean the number of graduate hours earned in off-campus courses that will count towards a graduate degree.

Correspondence Study

No graduate credit is allowed for courses completed by correspondence study with any college or university.

Standardized Test for Admission

The appropriate standardized tests should be taken no later than March for Fall semester admission, September for Spring semester admission, and February for Summer admission. Scores are to be submitted to the Admissions Office. Information about the Graduate Record Examination, the Graduate Management Admission Test, and the Test of English as a Foreign Language is available from the Southeastern Office of Testing or from Educational Testing Service, P.O. Box 955, Princeton, NJ 08540. Applications to take any of these tests should be completed and forwarded to Educational Testing Service along with the examination fee at least one month in advance of the testing date.

Eligibility of Faculty and Staff for Graduate Degree

To be admitted to a degree program (any level) at Southeastern, an unclassified employee must secure the approval of their supervisor. All faculty members may become candidates for graduate degrees at Southeastern, provided the degrees are offered in a department other than the one in which the faculty member is employed. “Unclassified employees” includes all full-time faculty members holding rank and all twelve-month, unclassified personnel serving on the administrative staff.

Graduate Assistantships

A limited number of Graduate Assistantships are available to qualified graduate students. Assistantships are awarded at the discretion of the individual department heads, and assignments are made according to the needs of the University. Qualified graduate students may also be eligible for a limited number of graduate teaching fellowships. Graduate Assistants are appointed in accordance with the University of Louisiana System, Department of Civil Service, and Southeastern policies.

A Master’s-level graduate assistant is eligible for an assistantship or fellowship each semester during a period not to exceed twenty-four (24) consecutive months and a student pursuing a doctorate will be eligible to hold an assistantship or fellowship each semester during a period not to exceed forty-eight (48) consecutive months. Students in the Counseling Master’s degree program, due to a sixty (60) hour requirement for the degree, are eligible for employment as a graduate assistant each semester during a period not to exceed thirty-six (36) consecutive months. In all cases the clock starts for consecutive months when the student is initially awarded an assistantship. A student receiving a university funded assistantship may receive a one-time one semester extension of the assistantship upon recommendation of the student’s advisor and concurrence of the student’s advisory committee, where applicable and upon notification to the Director of Graduate Studies. Any further extensions of university funded graduate assistantships must be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies. Externally funded assistantships shall be awarded according to the awarding agency or foundation guidelines, including the length of time a student can be awarded an assistantship.

Full-Time Status

For All Graduate Students, full-time status is defined as enrollment in at least nine (9) hours of course work or the equivalent during the fall and spring semesters, and at least six (6) hours during the Summer term. The full-time equivalent status for students receiving a graduate assistantship is 6 hours in the fall and spring semesters and 3 hours in the summer.

Course Loads

Graduate Students not holding Assistantships or Fellowships:
Maximum course load registration is 16 hours of course work during the Fall and Spring semesters and 9 during the Summer term.

Graduate Assistants and Teaching Fellows
Maximum course load registration is a combined total of 12 hours of graduate course work and/or undergraduate prerequisite course work during the Fall and Spring semesters and 9 hours during the Summer term.

Minimum course load registration is a combined total of 6 hours of graduate course work and/or undergraduate prerequisite course work during the Fall and Spring semesters and 3 hours during the Summer term.

All Graduate Students
Course load registration must be approved by the student’s graduate coordinator/director or graduate faculty advisor. Appeals for increasing or decreasing the course load requirements should be made to the Director of Graduate Studies whose decision is final.

Adding and Dropping Courses

A course may be added or dropped only during regular registration dates as indicated in the University Calendar. After registration is over, a student may withdraw from a class or resign from the University by completing the proper form(s) and obtaining the required signatures. Withdrawal/Resignation forms are available in the Office of the Registrar. 

Combined Courses

Courses combining instruction of undergraduate and graduate students clearly differentiate the course requirements for both groups and require the graduate student to perform work at a substantially higher level of complexity and maturity.

The Graduate Grading System

A = 4 quality points per semester hour
B = 3 quality points per semester hour
C = 2 quality points per semester hour
D = 1 quality point per semester hour
F = No quality point value
P = Passing (See Pass-Fail Option)
I = Incomplete (See Incomplete Grades)
IP = In Progress (Thesis Courses Only)
W = Officially withdrawn as stipulated in the catalog

“D” and “F” Grades

No grade of “D” or “F” may be counted toward a degree.

A grade of “D” means unacceptable work, and all courses to be counted toward a degree in which a “D” is earned must be repeated with a grade of at least “C”.

A grade of “F” means failure, and all courses to be counted toward the degree in which an “F” is earned must be repeated with a grade of at least “C.”

No more than 6 hours of “C” grades may be counted toward a degree.

Incomplete Grades

A grade of “I” means incomplete and is given only for courses in which, because of circumstances beyond the student’s control, cannot be completed during the semester in which the course is taken.

An “I” grade must be removed from a graduate student’s transcript by the end of the next semester, including summers, unless extended by the student’s academic dean. If the “I” grade is not removed, it will automatically be changed to an “F.”

Pass-Fail Option

Thesis Courses
The grade of “P,” with a maximum credit of 6 hours, shall be assigned to all Thesis courses, upon final approval of the Thesis by the faculty and by the appropriate authorities, and upon receipt of the final approved copy of the thesis in the Louisiana Digital Library.

Good Standing - Grade Requirement

A graduate student is in good standing and is considered to be making satisfactory progress if a 3.0 semester and 3.0 cumulative GPA is earned in all graduate courses.

Appeal and Change of Final Grade

After a final course grade is recorded in the Office of the Registrar, a change of grade must be approved in sequence by the instructor, the instructor’s department head, and the academic dean of the college in which the course is offered. Only one electronic grade change request can be submitted on a student per course. A second grade change request would have to be completed on paper. If needed, a paper copy Change of Grade Form is available to the instructor in the Office of the Registrar. No student is ever to be in possession of a Change of Grade Form.

In the event of a contested final course grade, a student’s written appeal of the grade must be submitted to the instructor within thirty (30) calendar days of final grades for the term being due, as reported in the current catalog. A letter of appeal and all materials to be considered should be provided to the instructor. The instructor will render a decision in writing within ten (10) working days or as soon thereafter as practical. If the appeal is not resolved with the instructor, within ten (10) working days, the student may submit a written appeal of the problem to the faculty member’s department head, with a copy of all materials previously submitted to the instructor, with the instructor’s decision. Likewise, if the department head’s decision is in favor of the student, the faculty member may submit a written appeal to the department’s academic dean within ten (10) working days. The department head will render a decision within ten (10) working days or as soon thereafter as practical. If the appeal is not resolved with the department head, within ten (10) working days, the student may appeal to the department’s academic dean by submitting a written appeal and copies of materials previously submitted to the department head. The dean’s decision will be rendered within ten (10) working days or as soon thereafter as practical. The academic dean’s decision is final. (In the event the instructor is not available, the department head of the course may serve as proxy and work with the student to resolve the appeal.)

Probation, Suspension, Readmission, and Dismissal

Probation: Graduate students whose semester or term GPA and/or cumulative GPA in graduate courses falls below 3.0 shall be placed on probation. During their next semester or term of enrollment in Graduate Studies, students on probation must achieve a minimum 3.0 GPA for that semester/term and may not register for any courses on a Pass-Fail basis.

Students will remain in Probation status as long as their cumulative GPA remains below 3.0.

Suspension: Students whose semester or term GPA falls below 3.0 for two semesters of enrollment, including summers, will be suspended from Graduate Studies.

Students suspended for the first time may not enroll in Graduate Studies for at least one semester following notification of Suspension status. A student may appeal the suspension prior to the beginning of a regular semester. If the appeal is granted, the student reenters on academic probation.

Attending the Summer Session While on Academic Suspension: Students are allowed to attend summer school during their suspension period; however, the student is not eligible for financial aid. Students who wish to attend the summer session during their suspension period do not need to reapply for admission to the University. At the end of the summer session, students must achieve a minimum 3.0 GPA for that semester/term. Students will remain on Probation as long as their cumulative GPA remains below a 3.0.

Readmission: After an absence of at least one semester, suspended students may apply for readmission by submitting a completed appeal form to the graduate coordinator/director or graduate faculty advisor. The graduate coordinator/director or graduate faculty advisor will submit the form, with a recommendation to readmit or not to readmit, to the department head. The department head will submit the form, with a recommendation to readmit or not to readmit, to the academic dean. The decision of the dean is final.

Upon a second suspension, students seeking readmission must follow the same procedure, except that the student will have been suspended from Graduate Studies for a minimum of one calendar year.

Dismissal: Graduate students with two suspensions must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA each semester for the remainder of their graduate career, or be dismissed from Graduate Studies. This dismissal is final.

Graduate Faculty Advisor Committee

All Graduate Faculty in each degree-granting program will serve as members of the Graduate Faculty Advisory Committee. This Committee will have an opportunity to review the progress of all graduate students during meetings to be held at least once per year. Students deemed to be making insufficient progress toward their degrees will be notified of the problems identified by the committee, and will be given up to one semester to make improvements. How these problems are rectified will determine whether or not the student is permitted to continue in the program.

General Requirements for the Master’s Degree Time Limitations

A student must complete all degree requirements in the graduate degree program within six (6) years immediately preceding the date on which the degree requirements are completed. An extension may be granted due to extenuating circumstances if approved by the Dean of the student’s degree program.

Hours Required

A minimum of 30 semester hours of graduate course work is required in all master’s degree programs. If a thesis option is chosen, the degree plan must contain at least twenty-four (24) hours of graduate course work and up to six (6) hours of thesis/research. If the non-thesis option is chosen, the degree plan must contain at least 30 hours of graduate course work. Each individual degree program has its own specific course requirements that students must follow.

Course Level

A student must earn at least one half of the course work in graduate courses for which there are no advanced undergraduate companion courses.

Student Advising

Each department has a graduate coordinator/director or assigned member of the graduate faculty who serves as advisor for all graduate students in the department. In some departments, additional graduate faculty members are used in advising graduate students. The graduate coordinator/director or graduate faculty advisor advises students about course selection, determines each student’s specific degree plan, and may select the student’s major professor and graduate faculty committee, schedule and administer comprehensive examinations, and supervise other matters related to graduate studies.

All graduate students must consult with the departmental graduate coordinator/director or assigned graduate faculty advisor before scheduling and registering for courses.

Degree Plan

The departmental graduate coordinator/director, graduate faculty advisor, or major professor will determine the degree plan for each graduate student in the respective departments. The degree plan must be finalized prior to a graduate student’s registering for more than 12 hours of graduate credit. The degree plan will be formulated in accordance with the general regulations of the University, as well as those of the student’s college and department. The degree plan will be filed in the Office of the Registrar/Graduate Studies.

Effective Catalog

The degree plan shall be formulated according to the requirements published in the catalog in effect at the time of the student’s admission to degree status or at any subsequent time during the six-year limit for completing the degree. A student may adopt a subsequent catalog only with the approval of the graduate coordinator/director or graduate faculty advisor, and of the student’s academic dean. A student who does not attend Southeastern Louisiana University for one calendar year or longer must meet the requirements of the catalog in effect at the time of reentry.

Admission to Candidacy for the Master’s Degree

All students seeking a master’s degree must be admitted to candidacy for the degree. This entails the following:

  1. Admission to candidacy for the master’s degree provides official recognition that the student has attained a stage in advancement toward the degree.
  2. Prior to admission to candidacy for the master’s degree, students’ satisfactory progress toward the degree will be attested by their:
    1. Having achieved regular admission status.
    2. Having completed 12 hours of graduate degree credit at Southeastern with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.
    3. Having a degree plan approved by their graduate coordinator/director or graduate faculty advisor.
  3. The application for admission for candidacy for the master’s degree must be completed and signed by the student and by the graduate coordinator/director or graduate faculty advisor and retained in the student’s degree program office.


A student pursuing a thesis option Master of Arts or Master of Science degree is required to present a thesis. A master’s thesis should demonstrate the student’s ability to conduct independent research and to present the results of that research in a scholarly format. It should provide a significant contribution to knowledge in the discipline and reflect independent research of high quality.

The thesis defense shall include a presentation by the student, open to the public, and an oral examination on the thesis held before the Thesis Committee and other persons invited by the committee.

  1. The student must register for departmental thesis courses for each semester the thesis is in progress and for each semester or term in which the student receives faculty assistance and/or uses University facilities and resources.
  2. At the end of each semester in which a thesis is in progress, a grade of “IP” (In Progress) shall be assigned to the student. After final approval of the thesis by the Thesis Committee, and after the Thesis Committee certifies that the student has passed the defense, and after all copies of the thesis have been approved by the Office of Graduate Studies, a final grade of “P” shall be given.
  3. The thesis format, style requirements, and other technical matters shall conform to the University’s Theses and Dissertation Standards.
  4. Following acceptance of the thesis by the Thesis Committee, the student will conduct a presentation open to the public and an oral defense of the thesis before the committee. After the defense, the Thesis Committee shall approve or reject the thesis. Students must make all corrections and changes in the thesis as agreed upon and recommended by the committee prior to final approval.
  5. A digital pdf of the completed thesis with signature page must be submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies to be uploaded to the Louisiana Digital Library. 
  6. The University has an agreement with ProQuest Information and Learning Company (ProQuest) for the microfilming of all thesis and dissertations. Under this agreement, a copy of the completed thesis will be made and, if desired, the document will be copyrighted with the copyright in the name of the author. The microfilm will be published in the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (PQDT) electronic database and the full document made available to subscribing institutions. Students will also have the option of purchasing bound copies directly from ProQuest.

Leave of Absence from Thesis

In certain circumstances, such as illness, pregnancy, or compelling economic pressures, a student may not be able to enroll in a thesis course on a continuous basis. The University will allow leaves of absence on an individual, non-discriminatory basis, provided the student receives written permission from the appropriate graduate coordinator/director or graduate faculty advisor and the student’s academic dean.

The leave of absence policy does not affect in any manner the six-year time limit for completion of the degree.

Comprehensive Examination

All students must pass a comprehensive exam or its equivalent. A student should speak with their graduate coordinator about the comprehensive exam or equivalency policies.

Requirements for a Second Master’s Degree

A student pursuing a second master’s degree at Southeastern may, with approval of the degree committee, use credit from a previous master’s Degree for up to a maximum of one-half of the total credit hours specified in the new degree plan. Credit will be given only for grades of “B” or better and must be approved by the new department head and academic dean.

Graduation Requirements for the Master’s Degree

To be eligible to receive a master’s degree, student’s must:

  1. Complete all requirements in their degree plan.
  2. Have filed a completed Admission to Candidacy for the degree.
  3. Have earned a cumulative GPA of 3.0 in all graduate work pursued, including their majors.
  4. Have earned no more than 6 semester hours of “C” grades in course that count toward their degree.
  5. Pass the comprehensive exam, except MBA students, who must complete MGMT 6830 ; CSD students, who must earn a grade of “P” in CSD 7700 ; or MSN students, who must earn a grade of “B” or better in all course work and earn a grade of “P” in NURS 6990  or a grade of “B” or better in NURS 6950 .
  6. Be recommended for the degree by the faculty committee, department head (or graduate director for Nursing students), and the student’s academic dean.
  7. Have completed the program completion application.
  8. Be approved for the degree by the student’s academic dean.
  9. Have settled all University accounts.

Individual degree programs have graduation requirements more stringent than the general requirements listed above. Additionally, students must meet all individual degree program requirements to be eligible for graduation.

Applying for Graduation

Students shall apply for graduation in the semester preceding the anticipated semester of graduation, according to the published deadlines.

Students who do not graduate in the anticipated semester of graduation must reapply for graduation and pay an additional application fee for each succeeding semester of application.

Students applying for graduation must:

  1. Secure and complete the appropriate forms in the departmental office.
  2. Pay the application fee.
  3. Complete the online application procedure, including the exit survey.

Checklist for Graduate Students

The following represent the minimum steps required of all graduate students. Additional steps may be required by individual departments.

All Students

  • Submit completed application, transcripts, fee payments, test scores, and any other required documentation, such as a valid teaching certificate, TOEFL scores, etc., prior to published deadlines.
  • Meet with the graduate coordinator/director or graduate faculty advisor for admission status, degree plan, course scheduling, etc.
  • Be admitted to candidacy for the degree.
  • Pass the comprehensive exam or the equivalent.
  • Apply for graduation within posted deadlines.
  • Settle all financial accounts with the University.

Thesis Students

  • Secure approval of thesis topic.
  • Pass thesis defense.
  • Upload thesis to Proquest.
  • Submit final copy electronically in pdf form to the Office of Graduate Studies.