2024-2025 General Catalog
The College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
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Karen Fontenot, Dean
Susan Coats, Assistant Dean
The College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences is comprised of the departments of Communication and Media Studies, English, History and Political Science, Music and Performing Arts, Psychology, Sociology and Criminal Justice, Visual Art + Design, and World Languages and Cultures. It also houses the General Studies program.
Graduation Requirements
To earn a baccalaureate degree in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, a student must successfully complete two sets of academic requirements: University requirements and departmental requirements.
University Requirements:
The University requirements are listed in the Admission Criteria and Academic Regulations section of this catalog.
Departmental/Program Requirements:
Fulfillment of the requirements specified by the department offering the program of study in the student’s major. These departmental requirements, including a curriculum outline, are located elsewhere in this section (chapter) of the General Catalog.
- Courses in each curriculum which will be used in calculating the grade point average in the major are identified by a “††.” The following departments require a grade of “C” be made in each of their major courses: Communication and Media Studies, Music and Performing Arts, Sociology and Criminal Justice, Visual Art + Design, and World Languages and Cultures.
- All departments require that a cumulative or degree grade point average of 2.0 or higher be earned in the major.
Degrees Awarded
The degree of Bachelor of Arts is awarded upon the successful completion of a four-year curriculum in Communication, English, History, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Criminal Justice, Art, or World Languages. The degree of Bachelor of Music is awarded in Music and the Bachelor of General Studies is awarded in General Studies.
Honors Diploma in the Discipline
The college also offers upper-division honors curricula allowing students to earn an honors diploma in a specific discipline at graduation. For information about requirements and honors courses in your major, please contact the department in which you are majoring.
The Major and Minor Programs
The requirements for both the major and the minor (for degrees requiring a minor) are stated in the introductory section describing departmental curricula.
Pre-Professional Programs
Pre-professional study prepares a student to transfer to another institution for the completion of a professional degree. Because the specific requirements of professional schools vary considerably, students should obtain current catalogs from the schools in which they are interested. A pre-professional advisor at Southeastern Louisiana University will then help each student plan a suitable curriculum.
PRE-LAW: Department of History and Political Science, or Department of English, or Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice.
Students should plan to complete a baccalaureate degree before applying for admission to a law school. Major and minor fields may be chosen according to interest. Typical choices are business, criminal justice, economics, English, history, journalism, political science, and sociology.
Recommended courses include accounting, expository writing, ethics, logic, American constitutional law, British constitutional and legal history, business law, judicial politics, philosophy of law, and the American judicial process, criminal law, law and society, and criminology. Consult both Pre-Law and major advisors in planning a program.
NOTE: The Law School Admission Test should be taken early in the senior year.
Center for Southeast Louisiana Studies
The Center for Southeast Louisiana Studies/Archives preserves and promotes the history and the cultures of the Florida Parishes and surrounding environs, including southwestern Mississippi, within state, national and international contexts through scholarly research, lectures, film work, and publishing.
Over seven hundred separate archival collections document regional history with critical holdings on the area’s farming, logging, railroading and maritime industries as well as extensive Native American artifact collections. Additional collections highlight the region’s colonial development including the West Florida Republic era, antebellum development, Civil War operations, and the struggle for civil rights.
Extensive photographic collections, including the “Piney Woods People” and “Palmetto People” collections, depict turn-of-the-century families and folkways while other collections highlight African American culture and regional environmental concerns. Vintage maps, newspapers, census reports and oral histories complement the study of local and regional history.
The Center serves as headquarters for the Gulf South Historical Association and Southeast Louisiana Historical Association and produces the refereed journal Southeast Louisiana Review and annual newsletter The Centerpiece. Center staff also write and produce films such as the award-winning American Crisis, American Shame: The National Consequences of Coastal Erosion and a regional history cable television program The Florida Parish Chronicles. The Center maintains the Southeastern Louisiana University Archives and Special Collections and provides a closed-stack research library.
The Center hosts rotating and permanent exhibits in its display room and sponsors a variety of informational conferences including, the Plain Folk of the South Symposium, the James H. Morrison Lectures on Politics and Government, the Ford Family Lectures in American history, Teaching the West Florida Republic Conference, and the Southeast Louisiana Historical Associations History Lecture Series.
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