Total Semester Hours Required 125
G General Education Requirement (GER). See the GER section of this catalog for the list of courses that fulfill this requirement if no specific course is listed. Honors equivalents are acceptable for all GER courses.
*Requires a grade of “C” or higher.
**Requires a grade of “B” or higher.
†† Major courses requiring a grade of “C” or higher.
1 Art electives may be chosen from painting, drawing, sculpture, new media and animation art, graphic design, ceramics, printmaking or photography.
2 A two-course sequence is required (see GER section of this catalog for options). If the two-course sequence is taken in the physical sciences, the additional three-hour course must be taken from the life sciences, and vice versa.
3 All Sophomores must complete ART 2990 Sophomore Review.
4 General Education course in fine arts, including HONR 1917 , other than visual art, art history.
Art Education degree candidates have the option to submit art works for the Graduating Senior’s Exhibition. To participate in the exhibition, students must present in digital or slide format an ambitious body of artwork, approved by the Visual Arts Faculty. The department recommends that students participate the same semester in which they enroll in the Senior Project.
Honors Diploma in the Discipline
For information on earning Sophomore Honors Distinction, Senior Honors Distinction, or the Honors Diploma, please consult the Honors Program section of this catalog, the Director of the Honors Program, and/or your Department Head.